JEES Scholarship for the Promotion of Japanese Language Learning (JLTCT): May 23 (Thu) 2024 at 10:00 // JEES日本語教育普及奨学金/ 締切:2024年5月23日(木)午前10時

GSFS application deadline: May 23 (Thu) 2024 at 10:00

新領域 応募締切:2024年5月23日(木)午前10時

Scholarship Amount:50,000 yen/month

奨学金金額:50,000 円(月額)

Duration: April 2024 – March 2025

支給期間: 2024/4~2025/3

Number of applicants to be recommended from GSFS: 1


Research Field: Unspecified

対象研究分野: 不問

Other than Japan


Some of Eligibility Requirements:

  • Students studying as a regular student in a master’s or doctoral course of GSFS, as of April 2024, who wish to become a Japanese language instructor. International students must study with a “College Student” residential status.
  • Those who took and passed a Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test Certificate held by the JEES held in the academic year 2023.
  • Those who are will be able to receive this scholarship from April 2024 to March 2025.
  • Those who do not receive other scholarships that the foundation offers, or scholarships from other foundations more than 600,000 yen during scholarship period. (Loan-type scholarships, Tuition exemption are excluded.)
  • Those who can obtain a recommendation from their supervisor.


  • 令和6年4月に新領域の修士または博士課程に正規生として在学し、日本語指導者を目指す者。なお、私費外国人留学生の場合、在留資格は「留学」であること。
  • 本協会が令和5年度に実施した日本語教育能力検定試験に合格した者。
  • 採用された場合の受給期間が令和6年4月より1学年相当以上ある者。
  • 本奨学金の受給期間中、本協会が実施する他の奨学金を受給せず、他の財団から受ける奨学金等の受給額合計が年額600,000円(月額が50,000円相当)以下である者。ただし、貸与型(返済が必要なもの)奨学金、学費免除は除く。
  • 指導教員の推薦を受けることができる者。

Read the foundation’s guidelines carefully and confirm that you meet all eligibility criteria described in the guidelines.


Foundation’s guidelines 応募要項

How to apply:

Applicants must fill out the online application form below and upload the following documents.



  • 民間奨学金調書
  • 成績証明書(学部から現課程まで)
  • 在留カードの写し
  • 学生証
  • 日本語教育能力検定試験合格証明書の写し

Online application form オンライン申請フォーム

When uploading, each file must be named as follows: Student No_your name_doc name.
(ex: 47230000_TODAI Tro_applicationform)

If unable to access the form, send the documents in PDF to ILO via email. (ilo[at]; replace [at] with @.)

フォームにアクセスできない場合は、書類をPDFにし、国際交流室へメールにて提出してください。(ilo[at]; [at]を@iloedu-k-u-tokyo-ac-jp

Those who have successfully passed the GSFS/UTokyo screening process and received a nomination from UTokyo must submit the application documents specified by the foundation. For further information, please consult the Foundation’s guidelines.



Before submitting your application, be sure to read Steps to apply 

You cannot apply for other scholarships through UTokyo if you receive the university’s recommendation to the Foundation (except in cases where concurrent receipt is permitted).

Scholarships with the University recommendation cannot be declined. Please consider carefully which scholarship you will apply for.

The Application Form for Private Foundation Scholarships should be signed by the applicant’s supervisor at GSFS and submitted in PDF format for online submission.




