東京大学学務システム/UTAS(UTokyo Academic affairs System)



UTAS(東京大学学務システム/ユータスと読みます)は、UTokyo Accountを使用して学内や自宅のPC・スマートフォンなどの端末からアクセスし、連絡先登録、履修登録手続き、成績の確認等をウェブ上で行えるシステムです。また、自動証明書発行機とも連携しており、UTokyo Accountでログインして利用いただけます。
ITC-LMS(情報基盤センター学習管理システム/Information Technology Center - Learning Management System)とは見た目が異なりますが、機能的には1システムとして連携しています。UTASがシラバス参照・履修登録・成績参照に使用されることに対し、ITC-LMSは、出欠管理機能、課題レポート等の提出機能が中心であり、主に履修登録後に利用します。※ITC-LMS問い合わせ先:情報基盤センターITC-LMSご担当( lms-support[a]itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/[a]=@)






※UTokyo Accountのパスワードはご自分で変更いただけます。お問い合わせの前に下記の方法をお試しください。

UTASまたは自動証明書発行機にログイン出来ない場合、下記の【1】もしくは【2】の方法で UTokyo Accountパスワードを変更してください。初期パスワードのままでは、 UTASまたは自動証明書発行機にログインできません。UTokyo Account for students:https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/adm/dics/ja/account_student.html

UTokyo Account 利用者メニュー(下記URL)に ユーザ名と(UTAS等に入れなかった)パスワードを入力してログイン。


※変更後約10分経ってから、 UTASまたは自動証明書発行機へのログインをお試しください。

UTAS(UTokyo Academic affairs System)

👆Click here to log in UTAS. 

◆See the contents of our portal site UTAS from the campus life category as well.  

UTAS (University of Tokyo Academic Affairs System / read as jˈuːtʌs) can be accessed from terminals 
such as PCs and smartphones on campus or at home using the UTokyo Account, UTAS can perform changing contact information, course registration, grade confirmation and so on. You can also use the automatic certificate issuing machine with the same ID and password as UTAS (UTokyo Account).
ITC-LMS (Information Technology Center-Learning Management System) and UTAS look different, but they are functionally linked as one system.While UTAS is used for syllabus reference, course registration, and grade reference, ITC-LMS is  is mainly used after course registration: attendance management function, assignment report submission function and so on.* Inquiries about ITC-LMS: Information Technology Center LMS Support  (lms-support [a] itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/[a]=@) 

Available functions (students)

・ Change address / contact information
Course registration (only during the course registration and modification period)
Confirmation of Course grade
・ Confirmation of Aquisition of course credits
・ Browsing the syllabus
・ Various survey (questionnaire to evaluate lectures, career status survey, etc.)
・ Browsing the bulletin board
  (Files are not attached to emails automatically sent from this bulletin board, so please log in to check UTAS when you received the emails.)
・Request for tuition fee receipt (handing over will be at the Student Affairs Team reception.)

*The UTAS manuals (for students) etc. are stored in the menu "Other" displayed after logging in UTAS.

Available Services for GSFS Non-Regular Students

・From October 2021, UTAS will be available to all GSFS Non-Regular Students(Graduate Accredited Auditors, Graduate Special Audit Students, Graduate Research Students, Graduate Special Research Students and Graduate International Research Student).
・The main available functions of UTAS are syllabus search, reference, bookmarking, and bulletin board browsing.
・Please note that course registration is not available.

In case you cannot log in UTAS

*UTokyo Account password can be changed by yourself. Please try following procedures before inquiries.

In case you cannot log in UTAS or automatic certificate issuing machine, please change your UTokyo Account passwordby any of the following procedures, [1] or [2], according to your situation.Your initial password should be changed in order to log in UTAS or automatic certificate issuing machine.

UTokyo Account for students:https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/adm/dics/ja/account_student.html

[1]Password Invalid for UTAS or automatic certificate issuing machineLog in UTokyo Account User Menu (following URL)with your UTokyo Account ID and password which was invalid for UTAS or automatic certificate issuing machine.After logging in, click on "Password Change" and set your new password.https://utacm.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/webmtn/LoginServlet

[2]Forgot PasswordAccess Reset Password Page (following URL), and follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password.Your new password will be sent to your email address registered on your UTAS, Email[1] or [2] which you have selected.https://utacm.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/webmtn/multi/jpn/reset.html

*About 10 minutes after changing your password, please try logging in UTAS or automatic certificate issuing machine.If you still cannot log in, please try again next day for overnight batch processing.The password expires after 365 days.Please change your password before the expiration date.