学籍異動関係 Registration

(各手続共通事項)(common procedure)

必要事項を記入し、指導教員及び所属専攻の専攻長の承認を受けた後、必ず希望月の1か月前までに新領域教務チーム窓口に提出すること。なお、授業料未納・書類不備の場合は受理しない。 各様式は以下のファイルをダウンロードすること(A4サイズ1枚に収まるように印刷すること)。※日本学生支援機構奨学金を貸与中の学生は別途異動手続きがあるので奨学金ページを確認の上、併せて手続きを行うこと。

Please first fill in the necessary information, and after receiving approval from your supervisor and the head of your department, be sure to submit it to the GSFS Student Affairs Team at least one month before the desired changing date. The application will not be accepted if the tuition fee is not paid or the documents are incomplete. Please download the forms required from the following files (print the whole form on a single A4-size sheet). If you are currently receiving a scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), you will need to go through a separate transfer procedure, so please check the scholarship page and complete the procedure as well.


休学 Leave of Absence

休学を希望する者は、大学院便覧の「東京大学大学院学則第29条及び学生の休学の基準等」を参照の上、予め必ず指導教員に相談すること。了解を得たら『休学願』に必要事項を記入し、指導教員及び所属専攻の専攻長の承認を受けて、必ず希望月の1か月以上前までに教務チーム窓口に提出すること。休学をして留学する場合は次項の「海外渡航」も確認すること。 なお、授業料未納・書類不備の場合は受理しない。

Those who wish to take a leave of absence please refer to "Article 29 of the University of Tokyo Graduate School Regulations and Criteria for Student Leave of Absence" in the Graduate School Handbook. Students must consult with their supervisor in advance. After you can get an agreement, fill out the "Application for Leave of Absence," and obtain approval from your supervisor and the head of your department. In addition, please submit it to the Student Affairs Team at least one month before the month you wish to take leave. If you wish to take a leave of absence to study abroad, please also check the next section, "Traveling Abroad”. The application will not be accepted if tuition has not been paid or if the documents are incomplete.


Please attach related documents according to the reason as following prescribed.











4)1.調査・見学計画書(様式は次項の「海外渡航」からダウンロード可)及び 2.調査・見学の日程表(A4で1枚、書式任意)


Main Reason  for leave of absence

1)Financial reasons

2)Medical Reasons

3)Study in an oversea educational/research institute

4) Overseas field study/visit

5) Childbirth or to take care of children

Required Document addition to the application form

1)The statement of reason (A4, one page, this document in any format.)

2)Medical Certificate (copy)

3)The Letter of Acceptance (copy)

4)1.field study/visit plan(the format can be downloaded from the next article[go oversea] and 2. field study/visit schedule(A4, one page the statement of reason (A4, one page, this document in any format.)

5) Maternal and Child Health Handbook (copy) *Page with name and date of (expected) birth

「休学願」の様式は以下からダウンロード可(様式3)[application form for leave of absence]could be downloaded from the following(form 3)


As a general rule, the start month of the leave of absence is the first day of each month, and the end date is the last day of each month. The leave period shall be according to the following categories (1) to (5) regardless of the class period of the relevant year.

(1)4月1日~5月31日 (2)6月1日~8月31日 (3)9月1日~11月30日 (4)12月1日~1月31日 (5)2月1日~3月31日

(1)April,1st~May,31st (2)June,1st~August,31st (3)September,1st~November,30st (4)December,1st~January,31st (5)February,1st~March,31st


It is possible to select multiple consecutive categories (for example: April 1st to March 31st of the following year) for up to one year per application. It is also possible to apply by tuition fee classification (first half: April 1st to September 30th / second half: October 1st to March 31st of the following year) . Please consult with the Student Affairs Team before applying.

授業料区分(前期:4月1日から9月30日/後期:10月1日から翌年3月31日)での申請の場合は、休学期間中の授業料は免除する。 なお、前期または後期の中途から休学する場合は、当該期分の授業料は返還されない。

If the application is made in the tuition category (1st semester: April 1 to September 30 / 2nd semester: October 1 to March 31 of the following year), tuition during the period of absence will be waived. However, the tuition fee of the section will not be returned if you take a leave of absence in the middle of the 1st semester or 2nd semester.

●日本学生支援機構奨学金を貸与中の場合は併せて異動願(届)の提出が必要。For students receiving loans from Jasso, a transfer request(notification)is also required.


When a foreign student takes a leave of absence, his/her college student visa will expire after three months, even if his/her period of stay remains. Please note that if you wish to stay in Japan during your leave of absence, you must change your status of residence to one other than college student, or you will be considered to be staying in Japan illegally.

復学 Resumption

休学期間中に休学の事由が解消された場合は、「復学願」に必要事項を記入し、指導教員及び所属専攻の専攻長の承認を受けた後、必ず希望月の1か月前までに新領域教務チーム窓口に提出すること。 また、休学期間が終了し、復学する場合も「復学願」を必ず提出すること。

If the reason for the leave of absence is resolved during the leave of absence, the student must fill out the "Request for Resumption of Studies" and submit it to the Student Team office at least one month before the resumption month, after receiving approval from the student's supervisor and the head of the department. When the leave of absence is over and the student wishes to return to the university, the "Request for Resumption of Studies" must be submitted as well.


For those who took a leave of absence for medical treatment, please be sure to attach a copy of the doctor's note to the "Request for Resumption of Studies".


If a student returns to the university in the middle of the first or second semester, tuition for the period from the month the student returns to the university to the end of the semester (September 30 for the first semester / March 31 for the second semester) will be collected in the month the student returns to the university.


The " Request for Resumption of Studies " form can be downloaded from the following link (Form 4).


If you have suspended your JASSO scholarship, you must submit an application for resumption at the same time.



International students living abroad should check here and then proceed with the application process for the Certificate of Eligibility (COE). International students residing in Japan should upload a copy of their residence card (both sides) here."

退学 Withdrawal


Those who wish to withdraw from the program must consult with their supervisor in advance, referring to "Article 30 (Chapter 7 of the Undergraduate General Regulations) of the University of Tokyo Graduate School Regulations" in the Graduate School Handbook. After receiving approval, fill in the necessary information on the "Request for Withdrawal," obtain the approval of your supervisor and the head of your department, and submit it to the Student Affairs Team at least one month before the month you wish to withdraw. The application will not be accepted in the case of non-payment of tuition or incomplete documents.


If a student withdraws in the middle of the first or second semester, the tuition for that semester will not be refunded.

「退学願」の様式は以下からダウンロード可(様式1 )

The "Request for Withdrawal" form can be downloaded from the following link (Form 1).


If you are currently receiving a scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), you must also submit an application for transfer (notification) (If the loan period has expired (the date of withdrawal from the university and the date of loan expiration are the same), you do not need to submit an application for transfer).


If a foreign student withdraws from school, his/her college student visa will expire even if he/she still has a period of stay after the date of withdrawal. If you wish to stay in Japan after leaving school, you must change your status of residence to one other than college student or you will be considered to be staying in Japan illegally.


Students must return their student ID card to the Student Affairs Team when withdrawing from the school.

単位取得退学(博士後期課程のみ) Withdrawal from the course with credit (Ph.D. only)


Students who are enrolled in the doctoral course and wish to withdraw from the course with credit (withdrawal with maturity) must fill out the "Request for Withdrawal with Credit" and submit it to the Student Affairs Team at least one month before the desired month, after receiving approval from their supervisor and the head of their department. The application will not be accepted in the case of non-payment of tuition or incomplete documents.

前期または後期の中途において退学する場合は、当該期分の授業料は返還されない。If a student withdraws in the middle of the first or second semester, the tuition for that semester will not be refunded.


The form for [ Request for Withdrawal with Credit ] can be downloaded from the following link (Form 2)


Students who have withdrawn for academic credit are subject to the University's Career Status Survey, so they must enter their responses in UTAS or submit a survey form by the date of withdrawal. (The Student Affairs Team will contact you after you submit your application for withdrawal with credits.)


Students must return their student ID card to the Student Affairs Team when withdrawing from the course with credit.

在学期間延長 Extension of Period of Study

標準修業年限(修士課程:2年、博士後期課程:3年)を越えて在学を希望する者は予め、指導教員に相談すること。了解を得たら『在学期間延長届』に必要事項を記入し、指導教員及び所属専攻の専攻長の承認を受けて、必ず希望月の1か月以上前までに教務チーム窓口に提出すること。休学期間を含めず修士課程に2年間または、博士後期課程に3年間在籍した後、引き続き在学を希望する場合は、【修士(博士) 課程在学期間延長届】の提出が必要。なお、授業料未納・書類不備の場合は受理しない。

Students who wish to extend their period of study beyond the standard course of study (Master's course: 2 years, Doctoral course: 3 years) must consult with their supervisor in advance. After receiving approval, fill out the "Application for Extension of Period of Enrollment" and submit it to the Student Affairs Team at least one month before the desired month with the approval of your supervisor and the head of your department. After two years of enrollment in a master's course or three years of enrollment in a doctoral course, excluding the period of leave of absence, if you wish to continue your enrollment, you must submit the "Notification of Extension of Enrollment Period in Master's (Doctoral) Course".If the student has not paid tuition or has incomplete documents, the application will not be accepted.

「在学期間延長届」の様式は以下からダウンロード可(様式5, 6)。

The form of [ Notification of Extension of Enrollment Period ] can be downloaded from the following link(form5,6)

【注】「在学期間延長届」は、1年毎の提出が必要。 標準修業年限(修士課程:2年、博士課程:3年)在籍後、1年未満の期間内に修了予定の場合であっても、在学年限(修士課程:3年、博士後期課程:5年)が1年以上残っている場合は、上記の届に記入する延長期間は1年間となる。

Note: The "Notification of Extension of Enrollment Period" must be submitted every year. Even if you are enrolled in a standard course of study (Master's course: 2 years, Doctoral course: 3 years) and plan to complete it within less than 1 year, if you are still enrolled in a course of study (Master's course: 3 years, Doctoral course: 5 years) for more than 1 year, the extension period to be entered in the above notification will be 1 year.

※申請期間は【春季提出:4月1日~翌年3月31日 / 秋季提出:10月1日~翌年9月30日】とすること。
The application period should be [Spring submission: April 1st - March 31st of the following year / Fall submission: October 1st - September 30th of the following year].

※新しい学生証は4月初旬または10月初旬配布予定。 配布の準備が整ったら教務チームポータルのお知らせ及びUTASの個別掲示にて周知するので速やかに現在使用中の学生証と交換すること。

The new student ID cards will be distributed in early April or early October. When they are ready to be distributed, they will be announced on the Student Affairs Team Portal and posted on individual bulletin boards at UTAS.


Students who have completed their JASSO scholarship loan must submit a notification of enrollment through JASSO Scholarnet Personal.


