

*確認テストに合格しない場合は、UTokyo WiFiの利用を停止します。

*All students, except those on leave of absence, are required to take the course annually.

*If you fail the test, you will be suspended from using UTokyo WiFi.

1 概要/Overview

近年、標的型のサイバー攻撃による情報流出などのリスクが増大しており、本学においても、 情報システムを利用する全構成員が、情報セキュリティに関して正しい認識を持ち、 安全な情報の取り扱いを行うことが、コンプライアンスの観点からも求められております。

平成28年度に策定した「東京大学における情報セキュリティ対策基本計画」に基づき、 平成29年度から情報セキュリティ教育・訓練及び啓発活動の一環として、本学の情報システムを利用する全構成員を対象に、情報セキュリティ教育(e-learning)を毎年実施することといたしました。

In recent years, the risk of information leaks due to targeted cyber-attacks has been increasing, and all members of the University who use the information system are required to have a proper understanding of information security knowledge to handle information safely from the compliance perspective.

In accordance with the Basic Plan for Information Security Measures at the University of Tokyo formulated in 2016,  from 2017 we have decided to conduct information security education (e-learning) annually for all members who use the University's information systems as part of our information security education, training, and awareness activities.

2 対象者/Target

本学の情報システムを利用する全構成員(UTokyo Accountを付与されている方)が対象です。

All members of the university that use university-provided computer services (i.e. all members with UTokyo Accounts) are required to take this program.

2.1 教職員等/Faculty members and staff

UTokyo Accountを付与された者で、役員、特定有期雇用教職員、短時間勤務教職員、派遣職員、非常勤講師、業務協力者、名誉教授等を含みます。 ただし、在籍出向者及び休職者等を除きます。

All faculty members and staff who have a UTokyo Account , including all university executives, fixed-term faculty, short-term faculty, temporary staff, part-time faculties, and emeritus professors, etc. (Transferred workers and employees on administrative leave are not required to take the training.)

2.2 学生/Students

UTokyo Accountを付与された者で、研究生、聴講生等を含みます。 ただし、休学者等を除きます。


All students who have a UTokyo Account , including research students and auditing students. Students on a leave of absence are excluded here.

The course content for students is different from the one for faculty members, thus those who have already taken the course as a faculty member need to take it again as a student.

3 実施期間/Implementation period


Scheduled for one month between May and June.

4 実施方法/How to attend


(1) https://itc-lms.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jpにUTokyo Accountでログインする。



(2) ログイン出来た方は、時間割の下「履修コース」にある「学XX情報セキュリティ教育」を選択する。

(3) 教材にある「情報セキュリティ教育2022教材(学生用)」を学習します。


(4)「情報セキュリティ教育(2022)テスト/Information Security Education(2021) TEST)」を選択し、確認テスト(10問)を全問正解するまで受講する。



(5) 受講者アンケートを回答する。※受講期間内に確認テストに合格しない場合は、UTokyo WiFiの利用を停止します。



The course will be conducted through the ITC-LMS (Information Technology Center - Learning Management System) of the Information Technology Center.

(1) Log in with https://itc-lms.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp by your UTokyo Account.

Log in with your student account (the last 10-digit number on the bottom right of your student ID card). If you can't log in, please refer to the following site as the problem is with your account.  https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/adm/dics/ja/account.html

(2) After you log in, select "Information Security Education" under "Course" in the timetable.

(3) Study the "Information Security Education 2022 Teaching Material (for students)" in the Teaching Materials section.

 (Instructions on how to take the test are included in the course materials.)

(4) Select "Information Security Education(2022) TEST" and take the validation test (10 questions) until you answer all the questions correctly.

 ※If you fail the test, please retake the test after reading the explanations and correct answers.

The explanations and information about the correct answers can be found on page 9 of the above material.

(5) Fill in the student questionnaire.

※If you do not pass the test within the course period, your use of UTokyo WiFi will be suspended.

Contact: jouhousecurity.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp 

Security Response Team, Information Environment Division, Head Office