
海外旅行・渡航・留学、留学生の一時帰国について/Overseas travel, study abroad, and temporary return of international students


All students belonging to the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences are required to follow the procedures when leaving Japan, regardless of whether they are Japanese or international students.


All students who will be traveling abroad or temporarily returning to their home country for a short-term(1 day to less than 2 months) trip, must submit (fill out) the "Overseas Trip/Temporary Return Home Notification Form” prior to their trip, after obtaining prior approval from their supervisor. (For details, please refer to [Traveling Abroad].) ※Login with UTokyo account required.


If you wish to go abroad for more than two months, you can choose to take a leave of absence or without a leave of absence as follows. In either case, you must first consult with your supervisor, then obtain the approval of your supervisor and the head of your department, and submit the documents to the Student Affairs Team’s office at least one month before your desired month. (If it is difficult to obtain the seal from your supervisor directly, please attach a copy of the email or other document showing that you have received the approval of your supervisor and the head of your department.)


※JSPS Research Fellowship (DC) is not allowed to travel overseas for study or language training at an overseas university or graduate school as a student. If there is a need for research, they may temporarily research the overseas research facility. If the period of overseas travel is longer than 28 days, the「Notification of Overseas Travel for JSPS Researcher」 must be submitted to the JSPS at least one month before your trip, and if the notification is not submitted within this period, or if it is not recognized as necessary to travel, you may be asked to refrain from traveling.

※「特別研究員海外渡航届」への研究科長の公印押印依頼は締切に余裕をもって教務チームに依頼してください。詳細は 「日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC)」のページ及び「日本学術振興会特別研究員遵守事項および諸手続の手引」を確認してください。

※Please contact Student Affairs Team well in advance of the deadline to request the official seal of the Dean of the Graduate School on the "Notification of Overseas Travel for JSPS Researcher". For details, please refer to the "JSPS Research Fellowship(DC)" page and the "JSPS Research Fellowship Compliance and Procedures Guide".

渡航期間 休学の有無 渡航の目的 提出書類












休学して渡航する場合(外国の大学院へ留学、調査等)/ Traveling on a leave of absence (to study at a foreign graduate school, conduct research, etc.)

休学願等*1を提出し休学手続きを行ってください。修業年限には算入されません。 休学理由が「海外の教育・研究施設において修学」の場合に限り、外国の大学院で修得した単位の認定は、修士課程及び博士後期課程を通じて15単位を超えない範囲で、研究科として認定の可否を行うので、事前に教務チームへ相談をしてください。 なお、休学期間、授業料の取扱い等については「休学の手続き」を参照してください。 日本学生支援機構奨学金を貸与中の場合異動手続きがあるので「日本学生支援機構奨学金」のページを参照し手続きを行ってください。

Please submit「Request for Leave of Absence*1 」and complete the procedures for leave of absence. The leave of absence will not be counted in the period of study. If the reason for the leave of absence is to "study at an overseas educational or research facility," the Graduate School will consider whether or not to approve credits earned from foreign graduate school, provided the credits do not exceed 15 credits in the master's course and doctoral course. Please consult with the Student Affairs Team in advance. Please refer to 「Procedures for Leave of Absence」if you have any questions about the period of leave of absence or tuition fees. If you are currently receiving a scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), please refer to the "JASSO Scholarship" page to complete the procedures.

休学せずに渡航する場合(外国の大学院へ留学)/Traveling to a foreign country without taking a leave of absence (studying at a foreign graduate school)

留学許可願等*2を提出し留学手続きを行ってください。修業年限に算入されます。授業料は徴収されます。期間は概ね1年を限度とします。外国の大学院で修得した単位の認定は、修士課程及び博士後期課程を通じて15単位を越えない範囲で研究科として認定の可否を行うので教務チームへ事前に相談してください。 日本学生支援機構奨学金を貸与中の場合手続きがあるので「日本学生支援機構奨学金」のページを参照し手続きを行ってください。

Please submit「Request for Approval to Study Abroad application*2」 for permission to study abroad. It will be counted in the period of study. Tuition will be charged. The period of study is generally limited to one year. 

The Graduate School will consider whether or not to approve credits earned from foreign graduate school within the limit of 15 credits in the Master's Course and Doctoral Course. Please consult with the Student Affairs Team in advance. If you are currently receiving a scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), please refer to the "JASSO Scholarship" page and complete the necessary procedures.

休学せずに渡航する場合(上記以外の学術調査等)/Traveling without a leave of absence (academic research other than the above)

海外渡航申請書等*3を提出し海外渡航手続きを行ってください。修業年限に算入され、授業料は徴収されます。 総期間は概ね修業年限の2分の1(修士課程:1年、博士後期課程:1年6か月)とします。 日本学生支援機構奨学金を貸与中の場合手続きがあるので「日本学生支援機構奨学金」のページを参照し手続きを行ってください。

Please submit「 application for overseas travel*3 」and complete the overseas travel procedures. The total period of study will be counted as the period of study and tuition will be charged. The total period of study is generally half the duration of the course of study (Master's course: 1 year, Doctoral course: 1 year and 6 months). If you are currently receiving a scholarship from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), please refer to the "JASSO Scholarship" page and complete the necessary procedures.

提出書類/Documents for submission

*1 海外旅行、留学生の一時帰国等の短期の渡航手続き> 『海外旅行・一時帰国届提出フォーム』※上掲

*2 休学手続きを行う場合の手続き> 提出様式:『休学願』(様式1)及び『理由に関連した書類』 ※上掲の「休学の手続き」を参照すること。

*3 留学手続きを行う場合の手続き> 提出様式: 『留学許可願』(様式2)及び『留学先機関からの受入証明書』

*4 海外渡航手続きを行う場合の手続き> 提出様式:『海外渡航申請書』(様式3) 『調査・見学計画書』(様式4) 『調査・見学の日程表(A4で1枚、書式任意)』

*1 Short-term travel procedures such as overseas travel and temporary return> 「Overseas Trip・Temporary Return to Home Country Notification Form 」as above.

*2 Procedures for Leave of Absence>Submission form: 「Application for Leave of Absence(Form1)」 and「Documents Related to the Reason」Please refer to the "Procedures for Leave of Absence" above.

*3 Study Abroad> Submission form: 「Application for Approval to Study Abroad (Form2) 」and 「Letter of Acceptance from the Host Institution」

*4 Procedures for Overseas Travel Procedures> Submission form: 「Application for Overseas Travel(Form 3) 」,「Research and Observation Plan(Form 4) 」 and 「Itinerary for Research and Observation (1 sheet in A4, any format)」
