


  • 飲酒運転やそれを幇助する行為
  • 未成年者の飲酒やそれをすすめる行為
  • 飲酒の強要や意図的な酔いつぶし(“イッキ飲み”・“罰ゲーム”等を含む。)…飲酒の席では、自他の体質・体調等に留意するとともに、酔いつぶれた人を決してひとりにせず、救急要請等を含めて適切に対応することが重要です。



  • 違法薬物・危険ドラッグ類(“脱法ハーブ”等を含む。)の所持や使用
  • インターネットや各種媒体等における不適切な言動や情報発信
  • 性的な犯罪やハラスメント行為…軽い気持ちからの行為が、取り返しのつかない事態を招くこともあります。本学の学生として、日常生活に際しても責任ある行動に留意してください。


  • 夏季には、熱中症も起こりがちです。十分な水分補給等に努めてください。
  • 不在となる研究室等も多くなります。貴重品管理等にも留意してください。




< Prevention of alcohol related accidents >

Alcohol related accidents often occurs among university students because of the holiday seasons. Therefore please be aware of the following.

  • Driving while intoxicated, or aiding and abetting in it.
  • Encouraging those under age 20 to drink or drinking while under the age of 20.
  • Forcing others to drink or intentionally pressuring them to drinking shots down-in-one (including the so called Ikki-Nomi, or drinking games as a form of punishment for the loser).

 Before drinking, please pay attention to your health as well as the physical conditions of the others. If you find someone losing consciousness due to intoxication, be sure not to leave them alone. As it is a matter of life and death, necessary care must be taken, including calling for an ambulance.

<Compliance to laws and regulations>

 In addition to the aforementioned must-not-do list, attention needs to be paid to the following so that you do not run afoul of the laws and regulations.

  • Use or possession of illegal drugs such as cannabis, marijuana, or other synthetic variants.
  • Posting inappropriate messages on the internet.
  • Sexual harassment and/or assault.

 Everyone is responsible for their own actions but sometimes things may end with unexpected consequences. Please spend your daily life responsibly and with decency as a student of the University of Tokyo.


  • In the summer, heat stroke also tends to occur. Please make efforts to supply sufficient hydration.
  • During the holidays, researchers and students tend to be absent from their laboratories. Please make sure to lock doors while nobody is inside so that your personal belongings as well as other items are not stolen.

 Needless to say, please be aware that if you transgress laws, the rules and regulations of the University of Tokyo, or the role as a university student, you may be disciplined based on the relevant rules. Please make the most of your student life being responsible and being conscious that you are a student of the University of Tokyo.