国民年金の学生特例制度 Special Payment System for Students (SPSS) on Japan National Pension Premium




日本国内に住むすべての人は、20歳になった時から国民年金の被保険者となり、保険料の納付が義務づけられていますが、学生については、申請により在学中の保険料の納付が猶予される「学生納付特例制度」が設けられています。 本人の所得が一定以下(注1)の学生(注2)が対象となります。なお、家族の方の所得の多寡は問いません。


(注2)学生とは、大学(大学院)、短期大学、高等学校、高等専門学校、特別支援学校、専修学校及び各種学校 (※1)、一部の海外大学の日本分校(※2)に在学する方で 夜間・定時制課程や通信課程の方も含まれますので、ほとんどの学生の方が対象となります。

(※1)各種学校:修業年限が1年以上の課程に在学している方に限ります (私立の各種学校については都道府県知事の認可を受けた学校に限られます。)




Special Payment System for Students (SPSS) on Japan National Pension Premium

The University of Tokyo is not designated as a SPSS entrusted judicial person to apply for the SPSS on behalf of students. Please apply for the SPSS at your local city (ward) office or Japan Pension Service office in person.

(Reference) Japan Pension Service Website - Special Payment System for Students


All people living in Japan are insured under the Japan National Pension Plan from the time they turn 20 years old, and are required to pay the premiums. However, students may apply for the Special Payment System for Students (SPSS) to defer the payment of the premiums while they are in school. Students (Note 2) whose income is below a certain level (Note 1) are eligible to apply for the SPSS regardless of the high or low income of their family members.

(Note 1) Income standard for this year (applicant only): 1,180,000 yen + number of dependents x 380,000 yen + deduction for social insurance premiums, etc.

(Note 2) Almost all students are included in the targets since the Students are defined as those who are enrolled in a full-time, part-time, evening, or correspondence course in universities (graduate schools), junior colleges, high schools, technical colleges, special needs schools, special training schools, and various types of schools (*1) in addition to Japanese branch schools of some overseas universities (*2).

(*1) Various types of schools: Only those who are enrolled in a course of study that lasts one year or longer are eligible (Private various types of schools are limited to those that have been approved by the prefectural governor.)

(*2) Japanese branch schools of some overseas universities: Only those who are enrolled in a Japanese branch of a foreign university in Japan and are taking a course that has been individually designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Please refer to the following website (written in Japanese only) for the list of schools/universities qualified for the SPSS.


2.how to apply

 Apply to:

・National pension counter at the city (ward) office or town hall where you have registered your residence.

・Your local Japan Pension Service office

・Enrolled schools or universities (Note*)←Please go to your local city (ward) office or Japan National Pension office to complete the application since The University of Tokyo is not designated as a SPSS entrusted judicial person to apply for the SPSS on behalf of students.

(Note*) You could apply through the enrolled school or university only if they are designated as a SPSS entrusted judicial person to apply for the SPSS on behalf of students. For the designated schools and universities, the designation date is indicated in the "delegation applicable (代行事務対応)" column of the list of schools/universities qualified for the SPSS.

※The University of Tokyo is not is designated as a SPSS entrusted judicial person to apply for the SPSS on behalf of students.

The application form can also be submitted by mail, along with the necessary attachments, to the city (ward) office or town hall where you are registered as a resident.