


GSFS students who wish to travel abroad or temporarily return to their home country must obtain prior approval from their supervisor and submit the "Overseas Travel/Temporary Return to Home Country Notification Form" prior to departure. Even if the trip is only for one night or two days, this must be required.

In the event of a natural disaster, terrorist attack, accident, etc., you must promptly notify your supervisor and the Academic Affairs Team of your safety even if you are not injured.

海外旅行・一時帰国届提出フォーム/Overseas Travel・Temporary Return to Home Country Notification Form※UTokyoアカウントで要ログイン/Log in by UTokyo account.

これから海外に渡航する場合は、報道及び渡航先の日本国大使館や総領事館から最新の情報を入手してください。また外務省は、海外渡航予定がある場合、海外安全情報  無料配信サービス「たびレジ」への登録を行うよう推奨しております。これらは、海外に留学または旅行する各学生が自ら登録を行うものです。観光で数日海外旅行する場合であっても、必ず登録を行ってください。

If you are planning to travel abroad, please obtain the latest information from news reports and the Japanese embassy or consulate general in your destination country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan also recommends that those who plan to travel overseas should register with the "Tabiregi-" service, which provides free overseas safety information. These are to be registered by each student who will be studying or traveling abroad. Even if you will be traveling abroad for a few days as a tourist, please be sure to register.

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