2024年度 東京国際交流館入居希望者(留学生)募集のお知らせ Tokyo International Exchange Center (Accommodation for International Students)


Tokyo International Exchange Center (Accommodation for International Students)


If you would like to apply for a room at the Tokyo International Exchange Center (TIEC), please confirm the following TIEC application guidelines and submit application documents to the GSFS Student Affairs Team by the GSFS application deadline.  Please note that the GSFS application deadlines are earlier than the ones shown on the JASSO home page. The TIEC will stop accepting applications when they have no room vacancies. 


1. 募集居室および料金 Room details and rent:

東京都江東区青海2-2-1 / 2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo

日本語    http://www.jasso.go.jp/ryugaku/kyoten/tiec/residence/facility/index.html

English  http://www.jasso.go.jp/en/kyoten/tiec/residence/facility/index.html

Rent as of January 4, 2023

居室 Room Type入館費 (家賃1ヵ月分) Entrance Fee (yen)館費(月) Monthly Rent (yen)
夫婦・家族用C棟 Couple/ Family74,500円74,500円
夫婦・家族用D棟 Family/ Family86,500円86,500円


For electricity and water, the actual costs will be charged.

2. 申請資格 Application Eligibility


For details, refer to the following website. (Japanese Only)



GSFS master’s or doctoral students within the standard study period of their program who have a student visa (including prospective master’s or doctoral students who have been admitted to the GSFS), or


Those who will receive an education at the GSFS under a graduate student exchange program conducted by the university and wish to stay at the TIEC for 30 days or more are eligible.

3. 申請書類 Application Documents

・在留カードの写しの両面 A copy of both sides of the residence card

・旅券の写し-顔写真のページ A copy of passport showing face photo

・旅券の写し-上陸許可及び査証のページA copy of passport showing landing permission and visa

・学生証の写し A copy of the student ID card

*必要書類を揃え、メールで提出してください。Please send the required documents by e-mail.


 Please sign “Form 1-1” and “Form 14-1” in handwriting.



 If you have not yet enrolled, please submit the “Notification of Admission”-入学許可通知書 instead of

the student ID card. If you do not have it yet, please submit the” Letter of Acceptance”-合格通知書.

Those who are waiting for the examination results do not need to submit it.


 If you have not yet entered Japan, please submit a copy of your passport and residence card as soon as you

enter Japan.


 For C or D room applicants, submit a copy of passport and residence card for spouse and family members.




  Please submit a copy of the official document showing the relationship between the applicant and his/her spouse and family members (required for C and D room applicants only). If it is written in a language other than English or Japanese, please attach an English or Japanese translation of the document with the applicant’s signature or personal seal.

4. 新領域申請締切日 GSFS Application Deadline

5. 問い合わせ先 Inquiry

東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 教務チーム

Student Affairs Team, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) The University of Tokyo

Email: gsfs-intl@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp Phone: 04-7136-4095 (ex: 64095)