【学生証の取扱いについて】在学期間延長申請者各位/Student ID card for students who applied for the enrollment period extension

■在学期間延長者 各位■




配付場所:柏キャンパス基盤棟1階 教務チーム





(1) 現在お持ちの学生証
(2) 434円分の切手を貼った長3サイズの返信用封筒(送り先の住所、宛名をご記入ください)

To GSFS students who applied for the enrollment period extension,

For students who applied for the enrollment period extension, their renewed student ID card will be distributed as below. Please collect it at your convenience.

Distribution Start Date: On or after the next day of the expiration date of your current student ID card except Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays

Distribution place: Student Affairs Team, 1F, Transdisciplinary Science Building, Kashiwa Campus

If you wish to receive the new student ID card by post, please send us the following two items to the Student Affairs Team, GSFS.

(1) Your current student ID card

(2) A self-addressed return envelope (Naga 3 size: 120 x 235 mm) with a JPY434 stamp affixed

Send to:
Student Affairs Team, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, 277-8561