入試の成績開示/Disclosure of personal scores for graduate school entrance examinations

入試の成績開示について/disclosure of personal scores for graduate school entrance examinations


大学院入試の個人成績開示の申請方法は下記の2通りとなります。For the results of the entrance examination, please apply for disclosure of individual grades.

1.新領域創成科学研究科教務チーム窓口で開示を希望する場合To request disclosure at GSFS’s Student Affairs Office (in person)


大学院入試情報開示届について: https://forms.office.com/r/JpeChPemD8  ※案内・注意事項等を熟読してから申請してください。

1) To request disclosure at GSFS’s Student Affairs Office (in person)

Please submit the application from the following URL.

Graduate School Admissions Information Disclosure Form :

 https://forms.office.com/r/JpeChPemD8   *Please read the information and precautions carefully before applying.


2.郵送での交付を希望する場合If you wish to receive the result by mail


保有個人情報の開示等について インデックス  


You can apply at the University of Tokyo's Information Disclosure Office 東京大学情報公開室(Hongo Campus). For details, please check the University of Tokyo's web page and follow the procedures.
However, the web page of the headquarters is only in Japanese, so if you need an explanation in English, please use the inquiry form in the following web page.