学術研究奨励金(海外渡航助成)/GSFS Academic Research Grant Program ( Overseas travel grant)


The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences offers an "Academic Research Grant" to support students' research presentations and fieldwork at overseas conferences and research meetings.

1.趣 旨 Objective


To encourage the research activities of the graduate students of the Graduate School by providing an academic research grant for their research presentation or fieldwork at conferences and research meetings outside Japan (except in the case of studying abroad).

2.応募資格 Eligibility Requirements


Applicants must be enrolled in a regular course of study at the Graduate School at the time of application and throughout the duration of the trip. (Excluding students on leave of absence) However, those who are receiving travel expenses from other sources are not eligible.

3.奨励金額  Incentive amount


For research presentations or fieldwork at conferences or research meetings outside of Japan, which are usually held between June and May of the following year, the scholarship will be paid in the amount shown in the attached table, depending on the region to be visited.

4.給付予定者数 Number of expected beneficiaries

例年13名程度 About 13 people every year

5.申請手続 Application procedure


Please submit the following documents to the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Student Affairs Team during the application period (usually around April).

ア 申請書(様式1)2部(原本1部及び写1部)


Two copies of the application form (Form 1) (one original and one copy)

 If there are any guidelines, etc., describing the outline of the relevant conference, survey, etc., attach them. (2 copies)

イ 申請概要(様式A)※Excelファイル



Application outline (Form A) *Excel file

 Enter the required information, and upload the file to the [Receiving Folder for Submission].

・The results of the selection process are usually notified to the applicants in late May.





6. Post-adoption procedures

・In addition to the above, you must submit the following documents to the Student Affairs team before departure: "Notification of Overseas Travel and Temporary Return" and "Student Security". Upon submission of these documents, the incentive payment disbursement procedure will be conducted.

・If there are any changes to your application after you have been hired, please submit a "Change Application Form" as soon as possible.

・Please submit the "Report Form" as soon as possible after your return.



(参考)2019年度新領域創成科学研究科学術研究奨励金募集について/Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Academic Research Grant Program 2019※本募集は終了しています。
