


【TA委嘱手続き提出書類一覧/List of documents to be submitted for the TA appointment process

それぞれの書類に提出期限がありますので、詳しくは添付ファイル「ティーチング・アシスタント の手続きについて 」をご覧ください

As each document has its own deadline for submission, please refer to the attached file "Teaching Assistant Procedures" for details.

・給与の口座振込申出書 Bank Account Information

・給与所得者の扶養控除等(異動)申告書 ※1
 もしくは 給与所得者の扶養控除等(異動)申告書の提出状況調書 ※2

Declaration form for (change in) exemption for dependents for employment income earner *1 or report on the status of submission of (change in) exemption for dependents for employment income earner *2

・マイナンバー利用同意書 (要厳封・教務チームで開封はしません) ※3

 A letter of consent of my number (It must be sealed and will not be opened by the Student Affairs Team.)*3

・学生証のコピー (他研究科の方のみ、マイナンバー添付のものとは別にご準備ください)

A copy of your student ID card (for students of other graduate schools only, please prepare a copy of your student ID card in addition to the one with your personal number attached)

・履修科目控 (TA出勤日に該当するターム分を提出してください)

Course registration sheet (Please submit the term that corresponds to the TA workday.)

・出勤表 Attendance sheet

 ※1 TAから主たる給与を得ている方 Those who receive their main salary from TA.

 ※2 2か所以上から給与を得ていて(アルバイト先など)別で扶養控除申告書を提出済みの方 

  Those who receive a salary from two or more places (part-time job, etc.) and have already submitted a separate declaration of exemption for dependents

 ※3 前年度までに新領域TA委嘱の際に提出をしたことがある方は提出不要。また、博士遂行・JTA・RA・チューター・謝金・旅費支払等別の委嘱で提出済の方も提出不要。

Those who have already submitted the letter of consent of my number for the previous year are not required to submit it again.  Also, those who have already submitted the letter of consent of my number for other appointments such as Academic Research Grant for GSFS Doctor Course Students, JTA, RA, tutor, honorarium, and travel expense payment are not required to submit it again.

【提出先/Place of submission】

Sターム、Aターム、通年の方  For S-term, A-term, and full-year students 


  Please submit TA-related documents to the offices listed in the attached file "Teaching Assistant Procedures".

サイエンスキャンプの方 For Science camp

  新領域創成科学研究科 教務チーム宛 Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Student Affairs Team


  学内便宛先:柏キャンパス 基盤棟1階  新領域教務チーム

 Internal mail to: Student Affairs Team, 1st Floor, Transdisciplinary Sciences Building, Kashiwa Campus


※Please note that you cannot use the internal mail service to submit documents that contain your personal number.

【出勤表について/About the work schedule

提出日毎月25日前後 詳しくは添付ファイル「ティーチング・アシスタント の手続きについて 」に記載の提出日をご覧ください

Submission date: Around the 25th of every month For details, please refer to the submission date in the attached file "Teaching Assistant Procedures".

時給:修士1300円 博士1500円 (2020年4月から)

Hourly wage: Master 1300 yen, Doctoral 1500 yen (from April 2020)

TA委嘱の際の注意点 Points to note when appointing a TA

You are not allowed to be a TA during the time you are taking courses. If your work hours exceed 6 hours, you must take a break of at least 45 minutes; if your work hours exceed 8 hours, you must take a break of at least 1 hour.

出勤表への押印 Stamp on Attendance Sheet

The faculty member who actually confirmed the work must affix his/her seal to the "Confirmed by" column.

記入欄の確認 Confirmation of the entry field

Please make sure that there are no omissions in the "Hours Worked," "Amount Paid," and "Recipient" columns.

業務従事時間の合計時間 Total hours of work engagement

Please make sure to enter the total hours of work engagement in one-hour units. (The maximum number of working hours is 40 hours per month, but no more than 20 hours per week.)

★留学生のTA活動について When international students perform TA duties


International students should limit their TA duties to 28 hours per week.
If the hours exceed 28 hours, please do so to the extent that it does not interfere with your studies or research.

土日・祝日に業務がある場合(出勤表グレーに着色した日)When there is work on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays (days colored in gray on the attendance sheet)


Please submit the syllabus, handouts (flyers, posters, etc.), and other documents that show the content of the lecture.

月末に業務がある場合 When there is work at the end of the month

(If you are a TA after the deadline for submitting attendance sheets, please submit a copy of the attendance sheet with the hours up to the last day of work for the month. The original copy must be submitted by the day of the last work (or the morning of the following day). In this case, please contact the Student Affairs Team in advance.

出勤表の提出遅れについて Late submission of attendance sheets
必ず出勤した月に提出し、翌月以降にまとめて提出することがないようお願いします。万が一、前月以前の出勤表が提出された場合には、出勤表の余白 に提出が遅れた理由を記入してください。

Please be sure to submit your attendance sheets in the month you work, and do not submit them all at once in the following month or later. In the event that your attendance report is submitted before the previous month, please write the reason for the delay in the margin of the sheet.