ごみの分別・廃棄 Separation and Disposal of Garbage

■ ごみ集積所(基盤棟北側,駐輪場の間)Garbage collection area (north side of Kibantou, between the bicycle parking lot)
ごみ集積場の見取り図 Schematic of refuse collection area

■ ごみの分別 Separation of Garbage
細かい分別が必要です. ごみ出し早見表 を参考に分別して出してください.Detailed separation of garbage is necessary. Please refer to the "Quick reference chart for waste disposal" to sort and dispose of your garbage.
※ 実験室系の有害な廃棄物は,一般ごみと一緒に捨ててはいけません.Do not dispose of hazardous laboratory waste together with general waste.

■ 粗大ごみ置き場への廃棄について Notes on oversize Garbage Collection Area
大型のもの,実験装置,PC,モニタは粗大ごみ置き場へ出します.Oversized Trash, experimental equipment, laboratory instrument, computers, and monitors should be disposed of at oversize garbage collection area.
〖出し方 Disposal Procedure 〗
粗大ごみ廃棄票.xlsxPDF)を廃棄物一点一点に貼り付ける. Attach a waste disposal slip.xlsx(PDF) to each waste. 廃棄票の貼り付け方 How to attach a disposal slip
・ 粗大ごみ置き場は施錠されているので鍵を系長室で借りる. The oversize garbage collection area is locked, so please borrow the key from the Kibantou-Director’s office (1B5).
・ 鍵の返却時に排出品リストへ記録をする. When you return the key, please fill out the list of the waste at Kibantou-Director’s office.

■ その他のごみの廃棄について Disposal of Other Waste
ごみ袋には研究室名内線番号を明記する.The name of the laboratory and extension number should be clearly marked on the garbage bag.
小型家電など袋に入れない場合は、廃棄票を貼り付けるなどして排出者がわかるようにする. If the item is too large to fit in a garbage bag, please attach a waste disposal slip or otherwise identify the person who generated the item.

問い合わせ先 contact information (for inquiries)
→ 系長室 Kibantou-Director’s office 内線 ext. 63836 / 080-3517-0398 kibankei@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp