



大学院(修士課程・博士課程) 修了予定者(博士課程満期退学者を含む、以下同) 各位


◆IMPORTANT◆Career Survey for GSFS master’s and doctoral students graduating.
The University of Tokyo has been conducting the Career Survey for ALL master’s and doctoral students who complete their course.
*Doctoral students who will withdraw from the university with satisfaction of credits and enrollment requirements are also included in this survey.* Please answer the questionnaire even if your career plan has yet to be determined.
* For handling personal information, please see the statements in the questionnaire.

◆IMPORTANT◆Career Survey for GSFS master’s and doctoral students graduating in March 2024


つきましては東京大学学務システムUTAS( https://utas.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusweb/campusportal.do )より回答をお願いいたします。

今回の調査対象者は 【令和6年3月修了予定者(博士課程3年生以上で論文を提出した者、修士課程2年生の修了予定者、博士課程単位取得退学者)】です。

進路が未定の方・修士課程から引き続き博士課程に進学する方・社会人学生の方】も含め必ずご回答くださるようお願いいたします。 UTASにログインすると回答画面が表示されます。





 進路状況調査(アンケート)タイトル: 2024年3月修了者進路状況調査

また、UTASよりWEB回答ができなかった場合は大変お手数ですが下記URLより様式「進路状況調査票(R6.3修了)」 をダウンロードの上ご記入いただき【3月7日(木)】 までに受け取り専用フォルダへアップロードくださるようお願いいたします。
なお、調査票をアップロードする際は調査票のファイル名を「下6ケタの学生証番号 と 氏名」(例:167999東大太郎)に変更し1~2ページ目を削除の上、3~4ページのみご提出ください。


★進路状況調査票(R6.3修了)様式★ ※以下よりダウンロードしてください

★進路状況調査票★ ※以下のフォルダにアップロードしてください

 問合せ先 : 新領域創成科学研究科 教務チーム: k-sinro@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp

◆IMPORTANT◆Career Survey for GSFS master’s and doctoral students graduating in March 2024

Request to answer a questionnaire for Career Survey on UTAS (UTokyo Academic Affairs System) - Deadline: March 7, 2024

Dear GSFS master’s and doctoral students who complete their course in March 2024,

The University of Tokyo has been conducting the Career Survey for all graduating master’s and doctoral students.

The target respondents for this survey are as follows.

  • Second-year master’s students graduating in March 2024
  • Third-year and above doctoral students who have submitted their doctoral thesis and will graduate in March 2024
  • Doctoral students withdrawing with satisfaction of credits (Manki-taigaku) in March 2024

If you are a target respondent of this survey, a questionnaire (Career Survey-March 2024) will appear on your UTAS webpage. Please be sure to log in the UTAS and answer the questionnaire by March 7, 2024. 

The target respondents who have not decided their career path, who will go on to a doctoral program, and who already have a full-time job must also answer the questionnaire.

<How to answer the questionnaire on UTAS>

(1) Log in the UTAS https://utas.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusweb/campusportal.do

(2) Click “What’s New [There is new information available for you]”

(3) Click “Please fill out the questionnaire” and select “Career Survey March 2024”.

(REFERENCE) How to answer from UTAS.pdf

<In case you cannot answer the questionnaire on UTAS>

(1) Download the questionnaire from the following URL.


(2) Answer the questionnaire and change the excel file title to “Last 6 digits of your student ID and name” (e.g. “207999 TODAI Taro“)

(3) Upload the file of the completed questionnaire to the following online folder by March 7, 2024.


Contact: GSFS Student Affairs Team ( k-sinro@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp )