To all Japanese Government(MEXT) Scholarship Students/国費留学生の皆様へ

MEXT Scholarship Rules and Regulations

1. Confirmation of Presence/在籍確認について

In order to receive a monthly stipend, you basically have to come to the GSFS Student Affairs Team at Kashiwa Campus once a month and sign a document to confirm your status as a student. If you cannot give your signature by the second deadline, you won’t be able to receive your scholarship for that month. If you will be leaving Japan, such as temporarily returning to your home country during the holiday period, please be aware of the signing deadline.

There are two deadlines each month. In principle, please sign by the first deadline. If you cannot sign by the first deadline, please notify us of the reason in advance. If you sign by the first deadline, your scholarship will be paid at the end of the month; if you sign by the second deadline, your scholarship will be paid in the middle of the following month. Please check the annual schedule, which will be sent to eligible person by e-mail.



(Please be sure to bring your resident card when signing/サインの際には在留カードを必ず持参してください)

2. Status of Residence -Visa/在留資格-ビザ-

2-1 Status of Residence/在留資格

Generally, foreign students study in Japan with a "college student visa". During the MEXT scholarship period, you must keep a student visa. If you change to another status such as permanent resident or another status, you must decline the MEXT scholarship. Even if you forget the extension of your visa accidentally, MEXT scholarship will not be paid.

一般的に、留学生は "留学ビザ "で日本に留学するのが一般的です。文部科学省の奨学金を受けている期間中は、「留学」の在留資格を維持しなければなりません。永住者など他の在留資格に変更した場合は、文部科学省の奨学金を辞退しなければなりません。また、在留期間の更新を忘れた場合も、文部科学省奨学金は支給されません。

2-2 Period of Stay Extension/在留期間更新

As explained above, do not forget to extend your period of stay. Extension of the period of stay can be applied for approximately 3 months prior to the visa expiration date. Please refer to the following URL for the procedure.



3. Certificate of MEXT scholarship/国費外国人留学生証明書

If you need proof of your status as a MEXT Scholarship student, such as when applying for an extension of your period of stay, please fill out the "Certificate Request Form" and submit it to the GSFS Student Affairs Team (1st floor of the GSFS Transdisciplinary Science Building, Kashiwa Campus).



4. Leave of Absence /休学


If you take a leave of absence, you will lose the qualification for the MEXT scholarship.

5. Decline the MEXT Scholarship /国費辞退

You will need to submit several documents, including a letter of opinion from your academic supervisor. If you are leaving the university before the end of the MEXT scholarship period or completing your studies early, please notify the GSFS Student Affairs Team as soon as possible.


6. The Scholarship Period/奨学金支給期間

The scholarship period may not be extended beyond the standard period of study for graduation, even if the student needs to extend the period of study in the same program. (Standard period of study: Master's course: 2 years, Doctoral course: 3 years)


7. MEXT Scholarship (Embassy Recommendation) Extension/文部科学省奨学金(大使館推薦)延長について

If you are planning to apply from a research student to a master's or doctoral program, or from a master's program to a doctoral program, you will need to apply for an extension of the MEXT scholarship around December every year.

The application period for scholarship extension is basically once a year, so please do not forget to apply. However, only those MEXT Scholarship students who were selected through embassy recommendation (including MEXT scholarship students with Embassy Recommendation for Chinese Students) and enrolled as international research students in April, take the entrance examination, and plan to enroll in a regular course from October in that year, can apply for an extension in April. Those who wish to apply for an extension must also remember to apply for the graduate school entrance examination.

The examinations to be taken and the materials to be submitted differ depending on the graduate school or the department you are applying for. Please discuss the entrance examinations and application procedures in advance with your academic supervisor and the GSFS Student Affairs Team.

<Extension from master course to doctoral course>

If you wish to extend your MEXT scholarship in order to enter a doctoral program from a master's program, you must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, calculated according to the MEXT's calculation sheet, during the period you were enrolled in the master's program up to the time you apply for the extension in order to be admitted to the doctoral program.

The GPA is calculated for all credits earned.

A+, A (excellent)=3, B (good)=2, C (fair)=1, F (Fail)=0

Please note that even if you fulfill these requirements, there may be cases in which an extension is not granted due to government budgetary restrictions.

GPA Calculation Sheet by MEXT download


奨学金延長申請の時期は基本的に年1回ですので、申請を忘れないようにしてください。ただし、大使館推薦(中国赴含む)により採用され、4月に外国人研究生として入学した国費外国人留学生で入学試験を受験し、その年の10 月から正規課程へ入学予定の方のみ、4月に延長申請が可能です。延長申請をする方は、大学院入試への出願も忘れないでください。








8. MEXT Scholarship Extension (University Recommendation) /文部科学省奨学金(大学推薦)延長について

Students selected through university recommendation are required to receive educational and research guidance at the University of Tokyo and are not allowed to enter or transfer to other universities.

*Only those who are employed by a university recommendation and apply for Category I (Research Student → Master's Course or Doctor's Course ):

When applying for an extension, you must submit documents that show your language proficiency such as JLPT: N2 (CEFR: B2) or above.

Please refer to




9. Grades evaluation/成績評価

MEXT scholarship students (university recommendation) must maintain a GPA of 2.30 or higher throughout the scholarship period, as calculated by the GPA Calculation Sheet of the MEXT.

All MEXT scholarship students, regardless of university recommendation, have their grades reported to the MEXT each year, so please make sure to maintain good grades.



10Return ticket/帰国旅費

If a MEXT Scholarship student returns to his/her home country after the scholarship period, a return flight ticket will be provided. However, the following cases are not eligible for the return travel allowance.

-If you do not return home by the specified deadline.

-If you do not apply for travel expenses to return home by the specified deadline for the scholarship period.

-If you return to your home country for personal reasons in the middle of the scholarship period

-If you leave Japan temporarily for vacation, visiting family, etc.

-If you continue to stay in Japan after your scholarship period ends, such as by finding a job at a company in Japan or entering a Japanese university as a privately financed student.

-If you receive travel funds from an organization other than the MEXT.

-If you are going to a country other than your home country.

Please be sure to update your UTAS contact information with the latest information by yourself.









また、UTAS の連絡先は必ず最新の情報にご自身で更新してください。

11. About proxy sealing procedures/代理押印手続きについて

When a MEXT Scholarship student is unable to attend the university for a certain period of time due to an internship or other reasons, there is a system called "proxy seal". To apply for a proxy seal, you must submit a "Statement of Reason," "Research Plan," "Letter of Acceptance," etc. to the MEXT and obtain approval for the proxy seal.

If you wish to apply for a proxy seal, please consult with the GSFS Student Affairs Team at least two months prior to the date you leave the university.



12. part-time job/アルバイトについて

MEXT scholarship students are not prohibited from working part-time, but please note the following points. Also, please make sure to consult your supervisor and ensure that your research plan is not disrupted.

・Limit yourself to the extent that it does not interfere with your studies or research.

・Apply for Permission to engage in activities other than permitted under the status of residence at the Immigration Bureau.




13. Others/その他

If you will be away from Japan for vacation, academic conferences, etc., please fill out the " Notification of Overseas Trip / Temporary Return to Home Country" and submit it to the GSFS Student Affairs Team (1st floor of the GSFS Transdisciplinary Science Building, Kashiwa Campus) before your trip with the approval of your supervisor.




≪Student Affairs Team, GSFS/新領域創成科学研究科教務チーム≫


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